Thursday, 18 December 2008

Si Awangku mengupdate

Hello kamu! Erwan di sini meng-update. Aku nda dapat tdur wah awal ani pasalnya laundry ku masih di bawah, then aku takut ada urg lain mencuri barangan laundry ku.. Baju2 ku inda plg ku heran, aku takut kehilangan Boxer PRIMARK ku! Primark kali tue ahh~ *Ouch... Pssst... * Inside jokes.. Sorry kalau kamu readers nda paham, baiktah kamu nda paham.. Krg banyak sha dusa kamu ulih ku.. Anyway, aku kan cerita pasal kami punya events today (technically, yesterday..) It's 18th and aku legal udah. I started off my day waiting in front of the Adult DVD Shop pukul 8.55am until it opens. Awu.. aku pervert! Mun kamu cakap aku ani pervert kan, C primark atu... (the others would know how this sentence ends XD)

So yeahhh.. Kami semua bangun aher. Aku dapat message dri parentsku, drg minta telipun. Parents ku kan greet drg punya BELOVED son ani HAPPY BIRTHDAY. So, i got off bed, went to the loo and took a shower. Put on my new BAJU bday present dri parentsku specially delivered dri brunei through Mama c Syafiqah~ Ran all the way to the reception, with NomiCalls on my right hand, with my new BULU2 selipar dalam rumah.. and with a whole load of 'rindu feelings' to send over to my parents di brunei.. I was on the verge of having the greatest conversation of a lifetime, when c LELA (another bimbo gang) was on the phone with her mum. A perfectly TAJAM dart thrown right through my chest illustrating the feeling of pain i suffered from seeing that moment. Dramatic much? HAHAHA.. well, that is how we (bimbos) rolled in this country. And PS to lela, aku nada sedih banar dehh.. Aku tau parents mu baru balik haji :D

Balik betelipun, aku LAPAR BRABIS... sal aku nda dinner semalamnya, makan CAKE saja.. which BTW, thankyou kamu semua for the sirprise! Tapi c fazleen betebiat brabis... Yatah rupanya rasanya tue menunggu urg.. XD slalunya aku sha yg kana tunggu.. Ani aku yg menunggu.. So, stories shorten, kami ke NANDO's makan ayam.. while aku skype-ing sama Parentsku, Auntyku and niniku dri tutong :D Modern kan drg? Mana kamu tau.. esuk lusa, niniku drive lamborghini Gelado tue~ HAHAHA.. ngamkah ejaannya tue?

And malamnya, kami ke kensington square for Sarah's christmas review. Not bad! Aku suka Strictly Xfactor atu.. Cali to the MAX. Ahakzzz... XD HAAHHAHA... PoKleNz JuA aKu aNi eHH... TaP! aKu CooL kaLi aHHH... ApaKaNzzz... Anyway, dlm show atu, ada fashion shows, singing, dancing, choirs, macam2 lahh.. Performance drg c sarah lawa! cool~ Bahh... I believe it's 3 am now... Should I stay up supaya aku ampit makan martabak di bruhall? Nahh~ It's not worth it! So, i guess.. This is a goodbye then~

Cheers mate~

Erwan got Britain-ised and Poklen-ised at 3.10 am

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