Thursday 8 January 2009

C Fazleen legal yo~

criminal aku aa, AS exam tapi masih blogging... neway, Izzah here~ just wanna take this opportunity to greet a very HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY to our beloved bimbo and the gang member, c FAZLEEN... ya ane belabih ne... tapi nda apa, thanks to your birthday, paper exam biology tadi sanang~ (score!!) so Fazleen, from the first time i lay my eyes on you ingat kau? dulu d skulah asal jumpa, basar tu senyuman kami and lambai2 mcm nda pernah jumpa seabad.. eksen saja tuuu, masa aniii, hahaha, malas tah ku kan cakap lagi xD i wish you all the best, goodluck in everything and have a blast!! bah ane saja dulu... i have my very own business to take care of after this and what's that business you asked? well, that's one secret i'll never tell... you know you love me..

gossip girl~ xD xD xD xD
i swear kawan2ku dskulah sasak dah dngar aku ckp ane walaupun baru 3 hari buka skulah.. HAHAHAHAHA

til then, i'm Izzah AL and you have been bimbo-atized. (this is the point where you ran and scream "NO!!!!")

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