Tuesday 16 December 2008

the real BIMBO

yayyy my first post! whew~ posting a blog is really hard work! my greatest obstacle was remembering the password to this blog! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, okay, over-BIMBO.... c Fazleen ne nda bagi intro eh sapa sebenarnya BIMBO and the gang ne... well basically, we're none other than Izzah and Fazleen etc... hahaha, okay fine, Izzah, Fazleen, Erwan, Lela and Nazirul... (trust me, it'll get bigger... the rest haven't found their inner bimbo yet). nanti lah kmi bagi biodata kami d sini aa... ehhhhh, jgn kamu, d UK, buat biodata tu latest trend x aa, for example:

Favourite food: anything as long as HALALzzz...

sapa yg buat cemani kira cool tah tu, nda g payah pakai barang2 Abercrombie and Fitch, Armani suit, Dolce and Gabbana etc.. pkai barang2 primark pun buleh tu mun buat biodata cematu... *inside joke* anyway, another information lacking from the previous post by my co-director due to her bimboness is how and why the hell kami hangout together padahal kami from different cliques (lurus kah tu?)

well, pasal kami share the same passion bahh.. kami suka bitching becakap2 pasal issue2 semasa (the polite way of saying it) and the fact that kmi KB-ians-slash-Tutong... kami the coolest bah, yatah tuu... ouch~ pssssttt.. *another inside joke - sasak dah kamu? haha* mati eh, aku baca balik post ku ane, lame jua aa... and aku lupa apa aku kan cakap lagi, hahaha.. bah bye.

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